What We Offer

As your child moves through the middle school years, life can be exciting and challenging for both them and you. This is a time of change in almost all aspects of their lives. While at intermediate school you can expect to see some of the following behaviours:

  • Children will change physically and can be irritable as their hormones cause mood swings. Arguing will not help and can cause situations to escalate.
  • They are moving from a dependent to a more socially independent state where they can be greatly influenced by friends and peers. Sometimes their friendships can be turbulent and cause them to be worried and emotional.
  • Hormones and growth can cause fluctuations in their work habits and ability to accept consequences.
  • Because of their rapidly changing world, physically, emotionally and socially they can become anxious and forgetful.
  • They are moving towards self-motivation but still need short term incentives.
  • We work with the guidelines of our school values and virtues to work restoratively to guide students through a range of situations as they arise.


Our intermediate school environment was specifically created to meet the unique needs of emerging adolescents. We address these needs in the following ways:

  • A homeroom where students spend most of their day with their teacher developing a sense of belonging, teaching core academic subjects and providing pastoral care.
  • High quality teaching - supported by an intensive research based professional learning programme.
  • Intervention programmes to support academic, social and emotional growth.
  • Specialist teaching in the Arts and Technology
  • Regular communication, goal setting and reporting to parents
  • An extensive transition programme to help with settling into a new school
  • Regular access to computers and digital devices as a tool for learning.
  • An opportunity to develop healthy competition between peers within and across schools.
  • Extensive opportunities to engage in actively supervised sporting, cultural and technological activities.