Payment and Finances

We are happy for families to pay money weekly, monthly, term by term or yearly. We encourage and welcome the setting up of automatic payments to cover various activities early in the school year to spread costs over the year. You can pay directly to our school bank account via internet banking or at the school office with EFTPOS or cash.

Our account number is:
Maeroa Intermediate
ASB 12 - 3454 - 0024510 - 00

Particulars: Student Surname and Initial
Code: Room number
Reference: What it is for - eg netball or violin

If you have any problems, please contact Mrs Tania Sherwin, our Account Officer, by phoning the school office on 07 8475 014, or email

School Fee

Our school has opted into the Government grant for school costs. At Maeroa this means that families do not have to pay any money towards their child's tech/arts costs. Parents can choose whether they want to make a school donation or not.

The government grant does not cover the full cost of overnight camp experiences. These are optional experiences and parents can choose to send their children on these experiences or not.