Week 3 term 3 2022
Kia ora koutou

Thank you to all the families attending our student-led conferences last week. Seeing our students sharing their learning with their parents/caregivers was wonderful. When students reflect on their experience in school, celebrate strengths, and identify areas for growth with adults who care about them, they take ownership of their learning and are more likely to stay on track. They are also more likely to care deeply about the quality of their work if they know they will share it with their families. So once again I thank you, as parents/whaanau for taking the time to meet with your child and their teacher to discuss your child's learning.
If you could not come along, then please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher to arrange another time.
This week we held our Open Night at Maeroa so that parents of year six children could come along with their children to have a look through our school. We had about 120 of our current students helping with this evening. I had many positive comments from people at the evening about how helpful, enthusiastic and friendly our students were. We are very proud of our students and thank those who helped on the night including our staff. Thank you to all the families that also attended our evening. This is the beginning of the transition process for those year 6 students who are coming to Maeroa in 2023.
Ngaa mihi nui
Susan Wood
Concerning Behaviour & Communication
Pushing boundaries is a normal part of adolescent development. Sometimes these boundaries are pushed too far and students need to be held accountable for their actions to learn from their poor choices.
We have high expectations for behaviour at Maeroa Intermediate. Rules, limits and boundaries help your child learn independence, manage and take responsibility for their behaviour, and solve problems. Your child needs these skills to become a young adult with their own standards for appropriate behaviour and respect for others.
We will contact you when your child has caused an issue at school so you are aware of what has happened. We appreciate your support as parents. If your child discusses something at home that we need to know about - please let us know, we want to keep our students safe and help them to develop into responsible young people.
Lateness to School
Students need to be at school by 8:30 am each morning. This gives them time to meet up with their friends, get organised for the day and be ready to engage in their learning. Several students are wandering in after 8:45 am. This is disruptive to their learning and the learning of other students in the class. Punctuality is a very important habit to foster.
Social Media
Once again, there have been issues with students on social media after school and during the weekend. I urge parents/caregivers to know what their child is getting up to on social media. If you are unsure about how to access your child's accounts - Netsafe has tips for you.
If a student brings a phone to school, they are expected to hand it in, in the morning before school. The box of phones is kept safe in our school office area. Students are not permitted phones in their bags or pockets throughout the day.
The issues with social media are happening out of school, and I urge you to monitor your child's social media use - how much time they spend on it? Are they putting their phone in a safe place at night away from their bedroom, so they are not accessing their accounts all night? What chat groups are they in? Parents really need to know who their children are communicating with on social media.
There have been a few students who have chosen to make a mistake and bring a vape to school and share it with a few friends. These students have been stood down from school, and their parents notified which is our process when items such as these are brought to school.
Using nicotine as a teen, can disrupt brain development, which continues until you're 25 years old. These long-lasting effects can increase impulsivity and mood disorders. And, teens who vape are more likely to smoke cigarettes. The bottom line is that vaping is unsafe for everyone, especially the younger you are.
It also affects memory, concentration, self-control, and attention, especially in developing brains. becoming a smoker: Young people who vape are more likely to start smoking regular (tobacco) cigarettes and may be more likely to develop other addictions in the future.
Mufti Day 19 August
On the 19th August there will be a mufti day where students can choose to wear mufti and pay $2. The money raised will be supporting our AIMS teams to go to Tauranga to participate later this term. There is to be no inappropriate clothing or words on clothing or gang related clothing or hats.
Maeroa Enrolments for 2023
On 10 August we held our Open Night for parents and children interested in enrolling at Maeroa for 2023. Enrolments officially open on 15 August and enrolment packs will be delivered to the following schools - Frankton, Aberdeen, Nawton, Forest Lake, Pukete and Vardon. If your child does not go to one of these schools, but you would like them to attend Maeroa, please phone our school office for an enrolment pack. Our enrolments are not done online.
Enrolments for in-zone and out-of zone close on 16 September 2022.
National Library Week

We celebrated Aotearoa NZ School Library Week during August 8th-12th. It was a perfect time to come together to celebrate our school library and a chance to affirm the importance of school libraries across the country.
At Maeroa we had lots of activities happening in our library across the week. Competitions ranged from guessing the number of books in our library, to finding and solving clues to crack a code, to testing students’ knowledge of popular book cover art. Students were invited to take part in an origami bookmark making workshop held at break time. It was fantastic to see so many students getting involved. Students took part during their scheduled class visits as well as at sports breaks.
Winners of our library competitions will be announced at assembly next week.
Maerao Library Week 2022

Girls Rugby Sevens

On Tuesday 2nd August, a small group traveled to Morrinsville to represent Maeroa Intermediate School in the WIMS Girls Sevens Tournament. Maeroa played 3 games in Pool A before advancing on to the semi-finals where they played Tokoroa. After winning against Tokoroa, Maeroa played Morrinsville in the open weight finals. Despite it being a long, hot day of sevens, all of the girls dug deep, gave it their all, and in the end came out on top. Maeroa played 5 games in total and won every game with a wide score difference. Ka pai to everyone who participated in this tournament. You all showed great passion for the sport and determination to well. Thank you to Jason Hunter for helping out with coaching and all whaanau who supported the team in getting there.
Sports Camp 2022 Update

Our students have had a wonderful time at Sports Camp this week after training for it most of this year. We look forward to them returning today (Friday) and hearing all about how they got on and a full report on their success.
Sports Camp 2022

Secondary School Enrolments for 2023
Fraser High enrolments are all online, so parents and children need to complete their enrolment asap to ensure they get the placement and options they want.
Hamilton Boys' High School enrolments
- Yr 9 Enrolment Applications close: Fri 2 Sep 2022
- Yr 9 Ballot: Fri 9 Sep 2022
- Yr 9 Notification by Fri 23 Sep 2022
Hamilton Girls' High School enrolments
- 30 MAY Enrolment Applications Open
- 02 SEPT Y9 Enrolment Applications Close
- 05 SEPT Year 9 Ballot
- 26-28 SEP Y8 Entrance Testing
- 26 SEPT Course Selection Closes
For Hamilton Boys' and Girls' it is really important that you get your applications in by the closing date.