Maeroa Intermediate School - Thursday 27 July
Kia ora koutou
It is so good to be back at school this term, seeing our students and staff and returning to "normal" school life. Returning to school is important because children need in-person learning and social interactions for their social and emotional well-being and academic development. Routines give us the predictability and structure we crave in times of uncertainty. Here at Maeroa, we are returning to a strong focus on learning and progress for our students and look forward to discussing your child's progress at our learning conversations on Thursday 4th August or Friday 5th August.
Learning Conversations - Thursday 4th and Friday 5th August
During the learning conversations, your child will share their learning, progress and achievement over the past six months. The class teacher will discuss the mid-year report and set goals for the remainder of the year. Please contact your child's teacher if you have not made an appointment yet.
Students will go home at 1.15 on Thursday, 4 August 2022, unless you have indicated they need supervision on the appointment return slip. On Friday, 5 August 2022, students will only come to school for their conference with their parent(s) and then go home with their parents when they are finished.
If you require your child to be supervised on Thursday afternoon until 3 pm or on Friday for the day, you will have indicated this on your return slip, please contact your child’s teacher or phone the school office to advise us if your situation has changed so that we can ensure that adequate supervision is available for students. If students attend on Friday for the day, they wear their school uniform as per a normal day, if they are coming for just their conference appointment, they can wear non-uniform.
Hygiene and Wellness
We expect all our students to wear masks indoors unless they have a mask exemption. We continue to remind our students about hand washing, sanitising, and other hygiene practices around coughing and sneezing. Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell.
Teacher Illness in Term 3 and our options
Towards the end of Term 2, we saw an increase in staff illness and a rapid decline in the number of relievers available. As we look into Term 3, we expect this trend to continue as this is when we see the most staff illness. When a teacher is away, our options are:
1. Find a reliever to cover the class.
2. Split the class among other classes across the school.
3. Ask parents within a class or a part of the school to keep kids at home if possible and only send their children if there are no other options.
So far, we have come close to having to consider the third option but have not had to use it during term 2. With how things are shaping up for Term 3, we fully expect that we will have to use option three at times. We will communicate this with you as best, often with limited available time.
Secondary School Enrolments
Please ensure you are organising your child's enrolment at secondary school for 2023. Secondary schools have enrolment dates to adhere to, and schools out-of-zone for your child will not take enrolments after the cut-off date. If you have any queries about secondary school enrolments, then please contact the school you want to send your child to, and they will be able to give you the answers.
I look forward to Term 3
Ngaa Mihi nui
Susan Wood - Princpal
2023 Enrolments

The Maeroa Intermediate Board of Trustees invites applications from families who want to enrol their children at Maeroa intermediate for 2023. The Ministry of Education enrolment scheme governs enrolment at the school, details are available on our website The board has determined that 110 places will likely be available for Year 7 out-of-zone students in 2023. We expect to accept all Year 7 out-of-zone students if they apply before the application deadline on Friday 16th September at 3 pm.
If your child is already enrolled at Maeroa Intermediate School in 2022, then they do not need to reapply for 2023. Students typically stay with their current teacher where possible for their final year; however, this can be reviewed if necessary. At the beginning of Term 4, any current year 7 student who would like to apply for a place in a specialised class will be notified of trials and/or tests via our daily notices and the school newsletter.
Maeroa Open Evening
We invite you to attend our open evening if considering Maeroa Intermediate as a school option for 2023. This is a drop-in evening, and no appointment is required.
We have an enrolment zone with approximately 110 out-of-zone places available in 2023 for year seven students. Please check out the website under the enrolment tab, which gives details of our school zone.
At the Open Evening on Wednesday 10th August, If you are interested in applying for any of our specialised units, there will be talks about the GATE @ 5.00 and Sports Class @ 5.30. Susan Wood, our Principal, will give the same presentation at 4 pm and 6 pm. For the remainder of the time, classrooms will be open, and there will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions.
Enrolment packs will be delivered to local primary schools and will have details about the zone and enrolment process; otherwise, you can request a pack at
All enrolment applications for in- and out-of-zone must be in by Friday 16th September. All Year 7 out-of-zone applications submitted by Friday, 16 September, are expected to be accepted for 2023.
Masks are required at this event.
Maeroa Board of Trustees Elections
Parent Election Notice Nominations are open to elect five parent representatives to the school board. All eligible voters will receive a nomination form, our school receptionist has emailed out the nomination forms to all of our Maeroa Intermediate whaanau.
Use this form to nominate yourself or someone in your community; information on who is not eligible to be a board member is provided with the nomination form. You will also receive a nomination cover letter calling for nominations. If you need more nomination forms, contact the school office.
Nominations close at noon on 3 August. You may provide a signed candidate statement and photograph with your nomination.
The electoral roll is held at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours. As nominations are received, a list of candidates’ names will be kept at the school up until election day, which you can view.
Voting closes at 4 pm on 7 September.
Colin Metcalfe
Returning Officer
Congratulations - Koru Awards

A dream does not become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work - Colin Powell
Koru Badges - the following students have been awarded koru badges over the last few weeks. Well done to all of them.
Bronze: Ruby McCluskie, Bella Anderson, Rylee George, Reuben Clear, Logan Du Plessis, Lottie McMinn.
Silver: Siobhan Wallace, Mila Andres, Teegan Allen, Harmeet Klaer, Ashreya Bhardwat, Anmool Ali, Zahra Kadir, Sara MacDonald.
Gold: Mila Andrews, Jenna McMillan, Rylee Frampton, Shelby Betts, Sara MacDonald.
Platinum: Ellasandra Carlton, Poppy Turner, Zoe Stewart, Maycin Anderson, Ehlana Miller.
Super Star: Naomi McKee.
Sir Peter Blake Camp

We headed up to the winterless north on a very stormy and wet morning with 48 excited students. The weather, while damp, did not put a dampener on activities, and the students were right into it, braving the conditions. They got to try a variety of water, land and heights-based activities, try things for the first time, overcome fears and build confidence with new tricks. Kakaying, stand-up paddle boarding, canoes, dinghies, abseiling, hut building, survival skills, archery, problem-solving, spotlight and manhunt, marine education, and water safety were just a few of the opportunities available.
The activities were awesome however the highlight of the camp for many was new friendships, sleeping in the dorms and the camp concert, which saw some very 'interesting' ideas about talent! We had a lot of laughs, that is for sure.
I was impressed by how our students encouraged each other to have a go, including each other, when they saw someone who wanted to join in and how they challenged themselves. Thank you to Brad, Glenn and Christina, our parent helpers, for coming with us; without your support, this would be possible.
I would also like to thank the staff at the Sir Peter Blake Marine Education Reserve Centre - MERC, they were awesome, and the Peter Blake Trust for Sponsoring a partial scholarship for our school to attend at a reduced cost.
Sir Peter Blake MERC - photos 2022