Week 6 term 2 2023
Kia ora koutou

Here we are at the end of week 6 term 2 2023. Time is flying by with so many things happening here at Maeroa Intermediate.
On Wednesday evening we held our Maeroa Science Evening and it was wonderful to see so many parents/whaanau and students coming along to find out what we have been doing in our Science Inquiry over the last few weeks of this term. Thank you to whaanau who came along to support their child. We appreciate it and I know your child would have appreciated it.
Thank you also to the many families that were able to adjust their lives and allow their children to go home at 1 pm on Wednesday 31 May to enable our teachers to attend the NZEI meeting that was called quite suddenly.
Student Learning Conferences are coming up at Maeroa in the first week of next term. Your child's teacher will send out information to you about booking an appointment. I have also included information about it further on in the newsletter.
A reminder that Monday 5 June is a public holiday for King's Birthday so our school will not be open.
Enjoy the long weekend.
Ngaa mihi nui
Susan Wood - Principal
Science Evening

Science Evening

Waikato Intermediate Art Day

Some of our talented art students had an incredible time at the visual art day hosted by Hamilton Junior High School. They explored various art forms, including printmaking, acrylic painting, flower pressing, card making/quilling, and mosaics. Our students embraced the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques, unleashing their creativity throughout the day.
We are immensely grateful to Hamilton Junior High School for hosting this awesome event, which allowed our students to broaden their artistic horizons. It was a day filled with laughter, inspiration, and the joy of creating beautiful artwork.
WIMS Art Day

Leo Club Outing
Every second Thursday the Maeroa Leo club heads over to visit the residents of Kensington Rest Home on Maeroa Road. This is something that has been occurring for a number of years but has been put on hold for the last two years due to the covid restrictions. The students really enjoy talking to the residents and helping them participate in their recreational activities, which could include playing board games, bingo, mini golf, bowls, or craft making. It is always a joy to see the residents respond so positively to having the students among them and many get to know the students by name. The staff at Kensington are so supportive and provide a lovely afternoon tea for our students which they thoroughly enjoy. Later in the year, we will be bringing some of our musical and cultural groups to perform which is always a highlight for staff and residents. As a school, it is another wonderful opportunity for us to give something back to our community, and leaves us with a great sense of pride when we see the amazing students we have at Maeroa. |
Visit to Kensington Rest Home

Arbor Day
A group of 45 students left on a bus this morning with our teachers Linda McPhail and Oriana Tauranga and Learning Assistant, Kelly Sullivan, to head out to Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park in Te Kaaroro Nature Precinct to plant trees. The students did an amazing job and came back muddy and a bit wet but they had a great time.
Arbor Day

Student Learning Conferences 20 and 21 July

Learning Conferences
Thursday 20 July & Friday 21 July
This is a time for you to come into school with your child to hear about their learning and engagement at school.
During the appointment, your child will talk through their learning and goals, and you will be able to talk through progress and achievement with their teacher. Your child should attend the conference with you so that they are part of the learning conversation, as we want this to be a positive experience for everyone involved.
Your child's teacher will send home a form for you to fill in so you can indicate the times that suit you best.
Appointment times will be allocated on a first-come basis
Your child’s teacher will notify you and confirm your appointment time with you
Appointments are approximately 15 minutes. If you require more time to speak with the teacher then you can arrange that with them to get another appointment.
School reports will be sent home the following week after the Learning Conferences.
Important Information:
Thursday 20 July - Students will be sent home at 1.15 pm however, if you need your child to be supervised at school until 3 pm - there is a place on the form for you to fill in if you require supervision for your child.
Friday 21 July - Students only attend school for their appointment time and can wear mufti. Alternatively, the school can provide full-day supervision if needed - regular class programmes will not run. Please indicate on the form if you require your child to be supervised from 8:45 am - 3 pm on this day.
Waikato Intermediate Hockey Tournament
The Waikato Intermediate Hockey was held on Tuesday 30 June. While our team was not placed in the top three they played extremely well and would have learned so much from their day. I was very pleased to watch their first game and they played very competitively as a team.
We are always very proud of our sports teams regardless of their placing, if they play their best and show great sportspersonship then we can not ask for more. Thank you to our coaches who supported our team.
Thank you to Marcella Popham and Antonia Timings, our teachers, who organised and ran the tournament.
WIMS Hockey

Code Avengers

Last week rooms Te Puaawaitanga were very fortunate to have the opportunity to have a 2-day Code Avengers Camp. They learned how to unpack elements of computational thinking.
Just like our tūpuna used the tools available to them to navigate Te Ao Māori in their day, students were presented with a wero; to use the tools available to them to become digital navigators today.
Computational thinking involves using a range of problem-solving strategies, students in Te Puaawaitanga accepted the wero and in a te ao Māori context, honed in on their skills of decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction and algorithms.
Code Avengers Te Puaawaitanga

Road Safety

Winter is here, and we’ve been experiencing some wet, wild, and windy conditions. This means being extra vigilant on the roads as well as drop-offs and pick-ups. Can you please ensure you talk to your child/ren about: - Wearing helmets if biking/scootering to school - Using the designated pedestrian crossing on Maeroa Road and Churchill Avenue - Not crossing the road in front of vehicles.
NB: parents, please do not drive into the school driveway or staff car parks when dropping off or collecting your child as this presents a danger for our students entering or leaving school. Also please avoid parking on the yellow lines or neighbours' driveways on Churchill Avenue, Maeroa Road, or Matai Street.
Please do not park on the other side of Churchill Avenue or Maeroa Road and call your child to just run across the road, they must use the pedestrian crossing.

Covid-19 Precautions: Unfortunately there are a number of covid cases lurking in schools. As a school we are continuing to take precautions including ventilating classrooms, encouraging hygiene measures such as washing/drying/sanitising of hands, and cleaning table tops to help minimise transmission of bugs/viruses. If you could reiterate these to your child that would be greatly appreciated.
School policies
Maeroa Intermediate Policy Review: At Maeroa Intermediate, we subscribe to School Docs who provide online living documents for all our school policies and procedures, these are tailored specifically to our school. All policies and procedures are monitored and updated by School Docs to comply with NZ legislation, ERO, and MOE requirements. This documentation is published online on a password-protected website so that staff, the board of trustees, and our school community can access it from anywhere. School Docs provide an online self-review system so that schools can keep track of what needs to be reviewed. Parents are invited to provide feedback on the following policies that are currently due for review:
● EOTC Planning and Review
● EOTC Risk Management
● EOTC Coordinator
● EOTC External Providers
● EOTC Staff Competence
● EOTC Event Categories
● EOTC Communicating with parents
You can access the policies on our website as outlined below:
1. Visit our school website and click on About Us - go to Trustees and Policies
2. Follow the link to the relevant policies as listed.
3. Read the policy.
4. Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
5. Select the reviewer type "Parent".
6. Enter your name (optional).
7. Submit your ratings and comments.
8. If you don't have internet access, our office staff can provide you with printed copies of policies
We welcome your input into our policies.
"If it weren't for your gumboots, where would ya be?"

Do you have any gumboots that your family no longer needs?
If you do we would like to have them for our students that go into the gully regularly that don't have gumboots. Just send them along to our school office.
Thank you.
Upcoming Events
- WIMS Futsal Tournament Tuesday 13 June
- Show Quest Tuesday 13 June
- WIMS Chess Tournament Thursday 15 June
- WIMS 1st XV Tournament Tuesday 20 June
- WIMS Basketball Tournament Tuesday 27 June
Term dates 2023

Term 2: 23 April - 30 June
Term 3: 17 July - 22 September
Term 4: 9 October - 19 December